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Homanagem à mamãe Oxum

  • Capoeira Angola Sheffield Botanical Road Sheffield, England, S11 8rp United Kingdom (map)

Join us for a special workshop with Contra Mestre Jorge Galvão from Salvador, Bahia.

We will be working on flow, transition and motion inspired by the energy and flow of the river.

The event will be held over two days:

  • Saturday 1st July 2023 1pm - 5pm

  • Sunday 2nd July 2023 12pm - 4pm

at 59th Sheffield Scout Hall, Botanical Road, Sheffield, S11 8RP

Saturday only £30 in advance; £35 on the door

Sunday only £30 in advance; £35 on the door

Both days - £50 in advance; £60 on the door

27 June

Beginner's course

4 July

Beginner's course