Tuesdays 6pm - 7:30pm

There is an opportunity during the music session and roda to play with the all levels students. This gives you the opportunity to try out your skills and to connect with the rest of the community.

  • £8 per session

  • First session £5


Our beginner’s class gives those with some or no previous experience to learn the fundamentals of Capoeria Angola.

Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian martial art that was developed in North Eastern Brazil by enslaved Africans and indigenous Brazilians as a way of preserving and celebrating the cultures of the people taken from the African continent and those of the native Brazilians. Whilst there are many stories surrounding the origin of Capoeira, it is generally agreed that whilst the exact details may forever remain unknown, it was developed in part as a fight hidden within dance rituals as a means to disguise it from the Portuguese colonial authorities.

When two people come together to play Capoeira Angola, it is referred to as a ‘game’ due to the playful nature of the interaction. Whilst there is a ‘fight’ element to the game, the intention is not to harm the person you are playing with, instead focussing on the the connection, the conversation and the energetic interaction between each other. The game can be likened to a conversation in which both parties will often come away with more knowledge about the other and about the art itself.

During the class, those unfamiliar with the art will be given a practical and useable introduction to the Afro-Brazilian art form of Capoeira Angola. Alongside the movement, you will also learn how to play the musical instruments as the music and energetic element of Capoeira Angola is just as important as the physical. This class is a great opportunity to connect with your body, energies and with other capoeira players in the community all while improving your fitness, co-ordination, balance, bodily awareness, strength, flexibility, critical thinking and mental health. We at Capoeira Areia do Mar are passionate about the benefits of Capoeira Angola and believe that it can positively impact upon your life as much as it has ours.

We strive to ensure that we provide a safe and welcoming space for both new and experienced Capoeira players; a space without pressure where community support is forefronted. If you have any special requirements that you would like to discuss, please contact us.

What you will learn.


The traditional music of Capoeira Angola is sung in Portuguese and through the songs, the oral history of the art, its practitioners and other important elements of Afro-Brazilian history are shared.

You will learn the fundamental rhythms of each of the instruments, basic Portuguese in context and how to play as part of the band (batería).


The fundamental movements of Capoeira Angola include a range of kicks and escapes which utilise strength, balance, mobility, flexibility and acrobatics.

Each week builds upon the previous with the movement being used both in the context of sequencing and in improvisation.

Critical Thinking

A key part of playing Capoeira Angola is criticality in movement. The game is often viewed as a conversation and it is through the question and answer nature of Capoeira that you will learn how to interact with each other.