Our Teachers
Jamie ‘Cervejeiro’ began his Capoeira Angola journey in early 2018 in the north east of England with Cada Um Ensina Um under the guidance of Professor Dois Metros. He quickly found a passion for the tradition, history, and ritual of the art and works to share this passion with his students. After three years of dedicatied training with Professor Dois Metros, Cervejeiro began training with respected mestres based in the UK, Spain, and Brazil, including Mestre Roberval during his time in Salvador, Bahia. The ethics and the desire to both maintain and promote the historic and traditional elements of Bahian Capoeira drives Cervejeiro and this, combined with the practice of each one teach one (cada um ensina um), he strives to share with his students in Sheffield, UK.
Currently, he is a PhD student with the University of Glasgow researching the impact that Capoeira Angola could have on developing anti-racist pedagogy in order to improve the educational outcomes of British Caribbean children in Sheffield.