Mestre Ananias 1924 - 2016
The Louvação/Chula (praise or tribute in English) is the call and response section sung immediately after the Ladainha or the Quadra.
Mestre: Iêee Viva meu Deus…
Chorus: Iêee Viva meu Deus Camará
The Mestre sings a line, then the chorus repeat the same line, adding “camará” (comrades/friends) at the end.
Often, the lines start with “Iêee Viva meu…” which is a way of honouring someone or something. The literal translation would be “Live!” Perhaps the closest translation would be “Long live”, but as it’s used for God, Mestres which are no longer with us, and places, it’s not really a great translation.
Iê, praise God
Iê, praise God, Friend
Iê, long live my Master
Iê, long live my Master, Friend
Iê, who taught me
Iê, who taught me, Friend
Iê, to use cunning
Iê, to use cunning, Friend
Iê, capoeira
Iê, capoeira, Friend
Iê, to play
Iê, to play, Friend
Iê, what will you do?
Iê, what will you do?, Friend
Iê, with capoeira
Iê, with capoeira, Friend
Iê, play over there
Iê, play over there, Friend
Iê, play over here
Iê, play over here, Friend
Iê, viva meu Deus
Iê, viva meu Deus, Camará
Iê, viva meu Mestre
Iê, viva meu Mestre, Camará
Iê, quem me ensinou
Iê, quem me ensinou, Camará
Iê, a malandragem
Iê, a malandragem, Camará
Iê, a capoeira
Iê, a capoeira, Camará
Iê, pra vadiar
Iê, pra vadiar, Camará
Iê, que vai fazer?
Iê, que vai fazer?, Camará
Iê, com capoeira
Iê, com capoeira, Camará
Iê, joga pra lí
Iê, joga pra lí, Camará
Iê, joga pr’aqui
Iê, joga pr’aqui Camará
Iê long live God in heaven
Iê long live God in heaven, friend
Iê, long live my teacher
Iê, long live my teacher, friend
Iê, it’s time, it’s time
Iê, it’s time, it’s time, friend
Iê, the rooster called
Iê, the rooster called, friend
Iê, cock-a-doodle-do
Iê, cock-a-doodle-do, friend
Iê let’s go
Iê, let’s go, friend
Iê, to the outside
Iê, to the outside, friend
Iê, turn of the world
Iê, turn of the world, friend
Iê, the world gave
Iê, the world gave, friend
Iê the world gives
Iê the world gives, friend
Iê, viva deus no ceu
Iê, viva deus no ceu, Camará
Iê, viva meu mestre
Iê, viva meu mestre, Camará
Iê, é hora, é hora
Iê, é hora, é hora, Camará
Iê, galo cantou
Iê, galo cantou, Camará
Iê, cocorocó
Iê, cocorocó, Camará
Iê, Vamo-nos embora
Iê, Vamo-nos embora, Camará
Iê, pela barra fora
Iê, pela barra fora, Camará
Iê, volta do mundo
Iê, volta do mundo, Camará
Iê, que o mundo deu
Iê, que o mundo deu, Camará
Iê, que o mundo dá
Iê, que o mundo dá, Camará
Iê, water to drink
Iê, water to drink, friend
Iê, land of the spirits
Iê, land of the spirits, friend
Iê, land of the spirits
Iê, land of the spirits, friend
Iê, play over there
Iê, play over there, friend
Iê, he uses mandinga (sorcery)
Iê, he uses mandinga, friend
Iê, he is cool-headed
Iê, he is cool-headed, friend
Iê he knows how to play
Iê, he knows how to play, friend
Iê, switchblade
Iê, switchblade, friend
Iê, he knows how to pierce
Iê, he knows how to pierce, friend
Iê, starch for ironing
Iê, starch for ironing, friend
Iê, stick for hitting
Iê, stick for hitting, friend
Iê, água de beber
Iê, água de beber, Camará
Iê, Aruandá
Iê Aruandá, Camará
Iê, Aruandê
Iê, Aruandê, Camará
Iê, joga pra lá
Iê, joga pra lá, Camará
Iê, ele é mandingueiro
Iê, ele é mandingueiro, Camará
Iê, ele é cabeceiro
Iê, ele é cabeceiro, Camará
Iê, sabe jogar
Iê, sabe jogar, Camará
Iê, faca de ponta
Iê, faca de ponta, Camará
Iê, sabe fura
Iê sabe fura, Camará
Iê, goma de engomar
Iê, goma de engomar, Camará
Iê, ferro de bater
Iê, ferro de bater, Camará